Archive | January, 2012

Cooking Lessons

12 Jan

Violin girl and friend watched as Kaukab’s daughter prepared to demonstrate an efficient method for peeling a garlic clove.

“Do you know how to peel a garlic clove?”
“Sure! I just peel the skin with my fingers.” (Friend looking on with a passive smile.)

In Kaukab-mode, I pulled out my shiny Chef’s knife and with a swift, flat blade to the clove, smashed it just enough to perfectly loosen its skin. A proud moment.

“See? That’s how you peel a clove!”
“I didn’t know that.” *giggles*

Turning to the quiet friend, I asked confidently, “Have you ever done that?”

A soft “Yes” hung in the greasy kitchen air.

I think I heard Kaukab snickering.

So, it’s a new year…

9 Jan

What to make of it, thus far?

Looking about the house, I’d say…not much.

The fireplace mantel still holds semi-filled Christmas stockings. The live tree, still guzzling water, hangs on, while the front porch Christmas lights linger, hoping to come down soon, if they had their druthers.

Druthers aside, the new year has arrived and there’s not much Kaukab’s daughter can do about it. With a new year comes new chances. Chances to start fresh, unencumbered by past hopes.

The last conversation with Kaukab in 2010 covered potatoes and turkey; frosty weather reports; family shenanigans and more potatoes and turkey.

Here’s hoping that Kaukab’s new year rings in fewer root vegetables and poultry. For her daughter’s sake.